Ex-Taiwan Councilor Chung-Yen Tung Advocates for a Sex-Positive Taiwan in his New SWAG Video


Experts claim Taiwan has seen a ‘Prevention Fatigue’ that has led to a sudden COVID surge. To promote body positivity and a healthy sex life during covid times, Chung Yeng Tung will star in an adult video on June 28th exclusively on the Swag.Live platform.

Even though we now live in a society that actively employs AI, Bots, and other modern automation, social interactions remain a crucial part of our society. That’s why along with the genuine health concerns we are facing, underneath it, we are a silent but equally malignant disease: the lack of meaningful connections.

Ex-Taiwan councilor Chung-Yen Tung knows this all too well. As founder of the Golden Power Party, this 47-year-old Cambridge-educated thought leader is leading the conversation in Taiwan regarding one of its more taboo subjects: sexual education.

Now, why is sexual education so important during pandemic times? Taiwan A Tung (Mr. Chung-Yen’s Nickname in Taiwan) created a very intimate and educating interview that covers everything from the most suitable sexual positions during the COVID outbreak to how the concept of Platonic Love shapes society without skipping on the actual Sex History of the Tang Dynasty (including an example of distanced sex).

About Chung-Yen Tung

Ex-councilor Chung-Yeng Tung has a master’s degree in politics from the University of Cambridge and he’s studying for a doctorate of Human Sexuality at SHU-TE University.

He served as a   councilor in Taiwan from 2010-2018 (2010/12/25-2018/12/24) and is working on legalizing prostitution and setting red light zones like those in the Netherlands.

He founded the Golden Power Party on 2020/1/19. Their core values are to improve people’s physical and mental health, protect the rights and interests of all genders, sexual orientations, and ethnic groups, get rid of hypocritical politics, and create legalized prostitution zones.


What is he looking at?

About swag.live

Founded by Sam Liu in 2016 out of Taiwan, swag.live is the #1 site for Asian adult content. It has over 10,000 models and adult content creators across the platform, creating various content types, including long-form video, short-form video, live video, and more.

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What captures A Tung’s eyes? Check out the video!

A Tung And Rouav-“Platonic Love” Is The Most Suitable Sex During The Outbreak Of The Epidemic

In A Tung And Rouav-“Platonic Love” Is The Most Suitable Sex During The Outbreak Of The Epidemic, A Tung teaches @rouav what is the safest way to have sex during the outbreak of COVID. He tells us about the history of Platonic love, sex history of Tang dynasty, porn for women and air sex. In the end, they demonstrate how to have sex in the 1.5 meter social distance and they both reach orgasm together! Wonder what’s happened in the video? Go to SWAG and check it out now!

Can A Tung stand @rouav’s seduction?

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