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What should I do if I am unable to watch videos or view Stories smoothly on an Android phone?
What should I do if I am unable to watch videos or view Stories smoothly on an Android phone?
Updated this week

When unable to watch videos/stories smoothly on Android, please first ensure the following:

  • Confirm your Android version is 10 or higher.

  • If power-saving mode is enabled, disable it and ensure battery level is above 60%.

  • Check if the network signal is strong.

💡 If all the above are confirmed to be fine, you can try the following steps:

  • Click on the [Profile Picture] at the bottom right of the main page ➜ [Refresh ⟳], or go to the [Settings] page ➜ [Refresh ⟳], and click to verify if you can watch normally again.

💌 If this action doesn't resolve the issue, please contact online customer service to report the problem.

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